Gokarna, Karnataka – a much less touristy alternative to Goa

Gokarna (implies Cow’s Ear), a modest community on the ocean front in the western Karnataka, is a notable objective with occasion producers and pioneers. The perfect sea shores, draws in explorers from India and abroad similar.
Gokarna is arranged at roughly 210 kms from the town of Mangalore, and 150 odd kms from Panaji, on the NH 17.
By Road: This is likely one of the most incredible approach to get to Gokarna.
From Mangalore the course is Mangalore-Udipi-Kundapur-Murudeshwar-Honnavar-Kumta-Gokarna
From Bangalore, the most limited course would be Bangalore-Shimoga-Jog-Honnavar-Kumta-Gokarna.
Story of Gokarna
Gokarna additionally has a legendary importance which draws in pioneers. There are a great deal of tales about Gokarna, however the most renowned one is the tale of Ravana and the Atmalinga.
Ravana, the evil spirit ruler of Lanka, got the atmalinga from Shiva after he had played out a compensation at Mount Kailash discussing self-composed Shivatandavastotram. Shiva taught Ravana that the holy atmalinga ought not be put on the ground as it would lay down a good foundation for itself where set on the planet. Returning to Lanka, Ravana stops for his evening petitions at Gokarna.
As Ravana was drawing close to Gokarna. Maha Vishnu who had known well that Ravana was timely in playing out his periodical customs (Sandyavandhana), shrouds sun with his Sudarshana Chakra (Wheel). Believing that the time had come to play out the evening customs, Ravana discovers a Brahmin kid (Lord Ganesha in camouflage) and requested that he grasp the Atma linga till he returned subsequent to completing the ceremonies. Master Ganesha consented to hold the linga on one condition that he would do as such work he would have the option to bear the heaviness of Linga and that from there on he would call Ravana multiple times and whenever neglected to come to him by then he would put the linga on the earth.Lord Ganapathi calls Ravana multiple times when he was playing out his ceremonies and spots the linga on the earth and he disappeared. The Atma linga without a moment’s delay got immovably settled in the earth. Ravana discovered that he had been deceived by the Gods.
To keep Ravana from getting a weapon as amazing as the atmalinga, Ganesha, in the mask of a Brahmin kid, discloses to Ravana that he will hold the atmalinga until Ravana completes his petitions. When he gets the atmalinga, Ganesh immediately puts it down. Ravana attempts to remove it, bringing about tossing the covers of the Linga to Surathkal, Dhareshwar, Gunavanteshwar, Murudeshwar and Shejjeshwar sanctuaries.
When you get down of vehicle/van, you would discover a “cleric” heading towards you and clarifying the sort of puja that are done and furthermore guarantee you a more intensive glance at the atma-linga altar. This is a method of procuring for them. In the event that you simply need to get a brief look at the linga, simply go on into the sanctum sanctorum. In case you are joined by one of the “cleric”, you would be made to go nearer to the atma-linga and even touch it. In case you are all alone, be ready for certain glares from the “ministers”.
The greater part of the explorers that go to the sanctuary, visit the sea shore that is behind the sanctuary. The methodology is thin at places.