Watermelon Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Watermelon, one of summer’s most notorious organic products, is low in calories and wealthy in water. It’s additionally a magnificent wellspring of nutrients An and C and lycopene while being less acidic than citrus products of the soil—other notable suppliers of lycopene and nutrient C.
Watermelon Nutrition Facts
One cup of diced watermelon (152g) gives 46 calories, 0.9g of protein, 11.5g of starches, and 0.2g of fat. Watermelon is a superb wellspring of lycopene and nutrients An and C. The accompanying sustenance data is given by the USDA.
Calories: 46
Fat: 0.2g
Sodium: 1.5mg
Carbs: 11.5g
Fiber: 0.6g
Sugars: 9.4g
Protein: 0.9g
Nutrient C: 12.3mg
Nutrient A: 42.6mcg
Lycopene: 6890mcg
The carbs in watermelon are generally sugars, with just a little fiber. A big part of the sugar is fructose, one quarter is glucose, and short of what one quarter is sucrose, with different sugars making up minor fractions.1 If you are counting carbs, it’s ideal to quantify watermelon cautiously.
1 cup diced watermelon (152g): 0.6 grams fiber, 9.4 grams sugars, 11.5 grams absolute carbs, 10.9 grams net starches
1 medium-sized wedge of watermelon (286g): 1.1 grams fiber, 17.7 grams sugars, 21.6 grams absolute carbs, 21 grams net starches
Watermelon has a glycemic file (GI) of 76.2 This implies it could give you a quicker ascend in glucose than food varieties with a lower GI. Notwithstanding, while considering glycemic load (which considers the amount you eat per serving), a half cup of slashed watermelon is 4, which is considered low.2
You will get practically no fat in watermelon, making it like different melons like melon or honeydew. The fat that is available is principally polyunsaturated (0.076 grams), with more modest measures of monounsaturated (0.056 grams) and soaked (0.024 grams) greasy acids.
For dietary following purposes, you can look at watermelon as a non-fat food. The seeds (indeed, they are eatable) are a wellspring of omega-3 greasy acids.
Watermelon has just a little protein, with just shy of 1 gram for each cup. Curiously, a few organizations produce watermelon seed protein by growing and shelling the seeds.
You will not have the option to get that degree of protein from new seeds, notwithstanding, on the grounds that the shell of the seed forestalls processing the protein inside.
Nutrients and Minerals
A completely ready red watermelon contains more elevated levels of supplements than less ready watermelon.5 A solitary serving of watermelon is a decent wellspring of nutrient C and nutrient A, giving a huge level of your day by day necessity for each.
Nutrient C guides in injury mending and may have against maturing and insusceptible helping properties,6 though nutrient An is significant for eye health.7 A one-cup serving of watermelon additionally gives around 7% of your day by day needs of copper and pantothenic corrosive, 5% of biotin, and 4% of nutrients B1 and B6.
One cup of diced or balled watermelon contains around 46 calories. Assuming you like to eat it wedged all things being equal, a wedge that is around one-sixteenth of the melon (286 grams) contains practically twofold that sum or roughly 86 calories.
Watermelon is low in calories and contains practically no fat. While giving numerous significant supplements—like nutrients An and C—it is fairly high in sugar, so individuals who are checking their sugar admission might be best served by eating this natural product with some restraint.
Medical advantages
Past being a sweet summer treat, watermelon can support your wellbeing in more than one way.
Battles Dehydration
Appropriately named, watermelon is practically 92% water,8 settling on it a very hydrating food decision. Assuming that you or your youngsters battle to drink sufficient water—particularly on blistering late spring days—attempt a couple of servings of watermelon. You’ll get additional micronutrients alongside your hydration.
Diminishes Blood Pressure
Watermelon has cell reinforcement power since it is a brilliant wellspring of lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient that examination has shown may help diminish or forestall high blood pressure.9 Tomatoes are notable as a wellspring of lycopene, yet a completely ready watermelon has significantly more lycopene than a tomato.
Lessens Risk of Infections and Cancer
Different cell reinforcements in watermelon incorporate flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoids. Cell reinforcements, for example, these aid cell fix and may assist with bringing down your danger of contaminations and some cancers.
Adds to Weight Loss
In a little investigation of overweight grown-ups, the individuals who burned-through watermelon rather than low-fat treats felt all the more full. They additionally showed decreases in body weight, weight list, midriff to-hip proportion, and blood pressure.
Assists Ease With muscling Fatigue
The amino corrosive citrulline is available in critical sums in watermelon. You can observe containers of concentrated citrulline sold as a dietary enhancement for sports execution. The advantages of citrulline are not convincing, albeit a few examinations show that citrulline enhancements may diminish the sensation of exhaustion during exercise.
Watermelon food hypersensitivities are rare.14 However, assuming you have feed fever or are susceptible to ragweed dust or grasses, you might have a food-dust sensitivity condition which might prompt a cross-response to the proteins in watermelon that are like the dust.
This response may feel a shivering or tingle in your mouth subsequent to eating watermelon. In uncommon cases, this can be more significant and trigger throat enlarging or anaphylaxis.
Unfavorable Effects
Watermelon presents not many dangers, with research considering this organic product “nontoxic without known side effects.”15 However, in light of the fact that it contains sugar, individuals with diabetes might should be mindful when eating watermelon to stay away from glucose spikes.
Watermelon comes in many assortments and cultivars. These can be gathered by size (“fridge” or more modest assortments versus bigger “excursion” types), the shade of their tissue (pink, yellow, or orange), and regardless of whether they contain seeds or are seedless.
Watermelon has a thick skin that can be strong green, green-striped, or mottled with white. Melons can be round or oval in shape and ordinarily weigh between 6 pounds and 29 pounds.16 The fresh tissue is generally pinkish-red, albeit brilliant fleshed assortments are turning out to be more famous.
Local to tropical Africa,16 watermelons are filled financially in the U.S. in regions like Texas, Florida, Georgia, and California, where the climate is warm and helpful for a long developing season.
At the point when It’s Best
Watermelon is in season in summer in the U.S. A ready watermelon is one that feels weighty for its size. The outside ought to be firm and liberated from scratches or marks. The ground spot—where the melon was laying on the ground—ought to be a smooth yellow tone rather than white.
Capacity and Food Safety
New, whole watermelon can be put away at room temperature. Hotness will make the figure out dry, so in the event that it’s hot outside, watermelon ought to be kept in a cool spot like a basement or the fridge.
Whole watermelon can be put away in the cooler for a little while. When you cut it, you can save it in the cooler for as long as five days in the event that it is in a shut compartment or fixed plastic sack. You can likewise freeze watermelon that has been cut up into lumps.
Go past run of the mill cuts and add watermelon to smoothies, salsa, and mixed greens (both natural product plates of mixed greens and veggie-weighty ones, as well). Its unobtrusive pleasantness additionally matches well with cheddar, nuts, and other protein sources.
You can likewise barbecue or freeze watermelon for a delicious sweet. Place cold or frozen watermelon lumps into water or seltzer for a delicious, low-calorie drink.
The entire watermelon is consumable. You can eat the seeds just as the skin, the last option of which is at times transformed into watermelon skin flour or served in the wake of being pan-seared, stewed, or cured. (The white seeds in a seedless watermelon are really vacant seed covers that didn’t completely develop.)