Hindu Kapaleeshwarar Temple – the temple’s towers were once the tallest structures in one of the oldest cities in India

Hindu Kapaleeshwarar Temple – the temple’s towers were once the tallest structures in one of the oldest cities in India 1

For one day in the year, the curve moderate environs of Brahmin-overwhelmed Mylapore in Madras plays host to a solitary wonder. The superb Kapaleeswarar sanctuary, holy to admirers of Lord Shiva becomes, on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Moharrum, the site of an exceptional and inspiring showcase of resilience and fraternity. Scores of Muslims combine upon the banks of the sanctuary’s tank to offer petitions, following a 200-year-old custom. » Read more

Mumbai – the bustling and vibrant city which is one of the most famous cities to visit in India

Mumbai – the bustling and vibrant city which is one of the most famous cities to visit in India 3

This spot has a sort of excellence the entirety of its own. Officially known as Bombay, Mumbai is the most populated city in India. Boisterous, wild eyed, and contaminated, Mumbai is a mixture of various societies, religions, and abundance limits. Despite the fact that the city is creating at a quick rate, lamentably, you’ll in any case see numerous scenes of neediness. » Read more

Shimla – a stunning city in the Himalayan foothills which is one of the best places to explore in India

Shimla – a stunning city in the Himalayan foothills which is one of the best places to explore in India 1

My First Visit To Chail And Shimla

The first occasion when I visited Shimla, it was during the pinnacle vacationer long stretches of May and June. I had recently gotten back from the UK (subsequent to finishing my investigations and living there for a very long time) and needed to perceive what Britishers have abandoned in India. » Read more

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